Our Dogs

Here are some of our poodles:

Länsmansgårdens Britney Spears  2½ years

Ada is a very charming black dwarfpoodle. She´s born in 2000.
Ada is a very playful dog and she´s so kind. She likes to play with our children.
Her favourite toy is a chickenpeeptoy and soft toys that she can chew.
Ada is a very obedient dog and she is easy to learn.
Ada is mother to three litters and she loves to have puppies.
Fanny is a black toypoodle and Ebba is her mother. She is full of charm and the mascot of our kennel. She´s born in 2003 and she was the only female in the litter. We just couldn´t sell her!
Her pedigree is very continental. She´s born in Sweden with a Norwegian father, Danish mother and American grandfather!
Fanny is really a tough girl and she loves to play rough with the other dogs.

Fanny is the happiest dog when we come home.

She gives wonderful kisses in the ear.
She roll into a soft furball of minisize in our knees.
She will have her first litter in the beginning of 2006!
Länsmansgårdens Lady Of Fortune  2 år. Toypudel.
Länsmansgårdens Dreamcatcher Maiden

Tilda is a very cute black dwarfpoodlepuppy and she is the newest poodle in the family. She was born 31 mars- 05 and the cute Maia is her mother.

Tilda is a smart cookie and she is full of fun and mischiefs. She is everyones favourite.

Tilda has a beautiful refind head with small dark eyes. She has a good body and nice movements. Good coat of the right texture and an excellent tail.
It will be interesting to follow her progress.
On our second homepage, Länsmansgårdens Poodles, you can see more of our dogs, their pedigrees, judgecritics and more pictures! You´re welcome!
Copyright 1997 and further, A. Wistrand, all rights reserved.

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