eyes and knees are tested clear
prcd, DNA tested A- normal/ clear

as a lamb and tough as a terrier"
smallest toypoodle Fanny was born as number 2 in a litter
of 2 puppies and her newborn weight was
100 gr. Our sweet toypudel Ebba is her
Bunny" is her nickname and she´s
a very charming creature.
Funny is a happy little girl with personality plus and she gives lots
of kisses.
is very obediant on the walks and use to run free. She loves to jump
up at big stones for some candy and to balance at fallen trees. She
eats blueberries from the bushies :-)
She carries big tennisballs in her tiny mouth and she loves to help
me with the garden.
Funny has a lovely body, beautiful movements, straight tail with a
good tailset, nice rear and small tight knuckled feet. She has a lovely
head and expression.
was nr. 4 most winning toypoodle in 2005!( SPK list)
of CAC & BOB winner!